
This package supplies a number of kernels frequently used in Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), as well as functions to evaluate their values and derivatives in 1D, 2D and 3D.

These kernels include the B-splines (Cubic and Quintic) suggested in Monaghan & Lattanzio (1985) and the Wendland functions (WendlandC2, WendlandC4, WendlandC6) and WendlandC8 (Wendland 2009) as suggested in Dehnen & Aly (2012).

Monaghan Kernels


Wendland Kernels


Misc Kernels


Defining Kernels

We use multiple dispatch to make to conform to Julia coding standards and make the code more readable.

To use e.g. a 3D WendlandC6 kernel use

k = WendlandC6(3)

This will default to a 3D kernel with a precision defined by the system OS (usually Float64). If you want to use a Float32 kernel you can define the precision as the (optional) first argument

k = WendlandC6(Float32, 3)

Evaluating Kernels

To evaluate a kernel you need to use the function

kernel_value(k::AbstractSPHKernel, u::Real, h_inv::Real)

where AbstractSPHKernel is the supertype for an implemented SPH kernel, $u = \frac{x}{h}$ is the distance to the kernel origin in measures of the smoothing length and h_inv is the inverse of the smoothing length.

You need to define the dimension of the kernel in the kernel <: AbstractSPHKernel, as explained before.

If you want your code to look a little more fancy you can also use the alternative functions 𝒲.:

𝒲( kernel::AbstractSPHKernel, u::Real, h_inv::Real) = kernel_value(kernel, u, h_inv)

As an example:

# Wendland C6 kernel with double precision in 3D
k     = WendlandC6(Float64, 3)
# distance between the particle and the origin of the kernel
r     = 0.5
h     = 1.0
h_inv = 1.0/h
u     = r * h_inv

# kernel value at position r
val = 𝒲(k, u, h_inv)

println("val = $val")
val = 0.40442005421590166

Evaluating Derivatives

Similar to Evaluating Kernels you can evluate a kernel derivative with

kernel_deriv(k::AbstractSPHKernel, u::Real, h_inv::Real)

or in the fancy way:

d𝒲(kernel::AbstractSPHKernel, u::Real, h_inv::Real) = kernel_deriv(kernel, u, h_inv)

Bias Correction

You can correct for the kernel bias of the Wendland kernels as described in Dehnen & Aly (2012), Eq. 18 + 19 with the functions:

bias_correction(kernel::AbstractSPHKernel, density::Real, m::Real, h_inv::Real, n_neighbours::Integer)

or again in the fancy way

δρ(kernel::AbstractSPHKernel, density::Real, m::Real, h_inv::Real, n_neighbours::Integer) = bias_correction(kernel, density, m, h_inv, n_neighbours)

This will return a new value for the density:

density = 1.0
kernel  = WendlandC6(3)

# correct density
density = bias_correction(kernel, density, 1.0, 0.5, 295)

println("density = $density")
density = 0.9991237081365336