Ludwig M. Böss

Postdoctoral Researcher, Universitäts-Sternwarte München


Office 120

Scheinerstr. 1

Munich, Germany

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the USM in Munich, working with cosmological MHD simulations. My main interest lies in non-thermal processes in galaxy clusters: Cosmic Rays, Magnetic Fields and Turbulence.

I develop the Cosmic Ray model CRESCENDO for the cosmological Tree-SPH Code OpenGadget3.

Most of the time I run and analyze my own simulations for which I developed a number of open source Software tools.

I am also part of the Localization project where we study the local universe with state-of-the-art constrained initial conditions.

Aside from science I am an avid hiker. Luckily the alps are nearby!

Before I went into Astrophysics I was a hobby musician, playing mainly progressive rock (you can listen to one album on Spotify!)


Feb 19, 2023 Website online!
Feb 8, 2023 Café & Kosmos

selected publications

  1. crescendo.png
    CRESCENDO: an on-the-fly Fokker-Planck solver for spectral cosmic rays in cosmological simulations
    Ludwig M. BössUlrich P. SteinwandelKlaus Dolag, and Harald Lesch
    \mnras, Feb 2023
  2. WWR.png
    A formation mechanism for “Wrong Way” Radio Relics
    Ludwig M. BössUlrich P. Steinwandel, and Klaus Dolag
    arXiv e-prints, Aug 2023
  3. SLOW_III.png
    Simulating the LOcal Web (SLOW) – III: Synchrotron Emission from the Local Cosmic Web
    Ludwig M. BössKlaus DolagUlrich P. SteinwandelElena Hernández-Martı́nez, Benjamin Seidel, and 1 more author
    arXiv e-prints, Oct 2023